Published on September 23, 2023|Community

Beyond Classrooms : TGH Academy's Vision for Tech Excellence

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Beyond Classrooms : TGH Academy's Vision for Tech Excellence

In the fast-paced world of technology, where innovation is the driving force, the importance of a skilled team cannot be overstated. Yet, a recent survey has revealed a concerning statistic that only 25% of Indian graduates are considered employable by the software sector. Even more striking, a mere 3% of engineering graduates secure high-paying tech jobs. This highlights the huge gap between industry-relevant skills and the theoretical knowledge acquired during formal education. Most of the time, students may not be aware of the latest technologies, tools, and best practices used in the industry.

Many graduates possess theoretical knowledge but lack the practical skills required in this dynamic sector. Hence they often struggle to apply their knowledge to real-world scenarios, making them less appealing to employers. Even when we receive numerous applications for our job posts, the resumes lack practical projects. Classroom projects and assignments may not always reflect real-world challenges, leaving them unprepared for the complexities of software jobs. 

We surveyed the market to learn more about the various learning platforms available, and we found out that they often fall short of their promises. Online courses lack a structured curriculum and mentorship, while offline platforms impose high fees and unrealistic job placement guarantees. Many of them tend to revert to the outdated practice of memorizing code and adhering to conventional teaching methods, even in the face of significant advancements in AI and technology. This traditional approach does not enable them to reach their full potential as engineers. They are often required to pay substantial fees for courses that are primarily designed for self-learning. Some institutions even burden them with additional expenses, such as being obligated to pay a portion of their monthly salary or adhering to predetermined payment packages. In addition, students may be required to pay rent and Wi-Fi charges on top of the course fees. Despite claims of a 100% job placement guarantee, the number of students enrolled in these courses often far exceeds the demand from collaborating companies.

One ideal approach is to facilitate industry interaction, which can provide students with valuable insights and networking opportunities. Additionally, experiential learning programs such as internships, co-op programs, and mentorship initiatives allow students to gain hands-on experience, work on real-world projects, and connect with industry professionals. Collaborative research projects and industry-designed curriculum further ensure that students are well-prepared for the evolving demands of the job market. Finally, robust career services, professional development workshops, and industry advisory boards contribute to enhancing students' readiness and competitiveness in their chosen fields. These strategies collectively empower students to bridge the divide between academia and industry, ultimately leading to more successful and informed career choices.We suggest industry interaction because it can help students with valuable insights and networking opportunities.

Clearly, a significant overhaul of our curriculum and educational systems is needed.

TGH Academy is on a mission to address these challenges and empower dedicated individuals who already possess basic coding knowledge. We are taking the first step towards the future of education.

  • Industry Expertise: Our courses are meticulously crafted by developers who have achieved excellence in their respective industries, bringing real-world knowledge directly into our curriculum.

  • Flexibility and Industry Alignment: Our courses are characterized by flexibility and precision. They are designed to seamlessly align with the ever-evolving demands of the industry, ensuring our students are always up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies.

  • Personalized Mentorship: Unlike traditional classroom or self-learning platforms, TGH Academy offers dedicated mentoring and supervision to each student, tailoring their learning journey to their unique needs and goals.

  • Accessibility: Our online program is accessible to a wide range of individuals, including those currently pursuing other degrees or contemplating a career change. Even if you have only a basic understanding of programming, our courses are designed to accommodate and elevate your skills.

  • Career Advancement: TGH Academy recognizes that many of our students may be considering a career switch. That's why our courses are designed to be pursued without necessitating a departure from your current job. We understand that your journey toward career advancement should be as smooth as possible.

What truly sets us apart is our unwavering mission. At TGH Academy, we are driven by a purpose beyond monetary gains. Our aim is to empower individuals who may be constrained by various circumstances, enabling them to acquire valuable job skills without the need for significant financial or time investments. Learning should always be a joyful and enriching experience, free from undue stress. At TGH Academy, we firmly believe in this philosophy. We are committed to helping individuals unlock their full potential and achieve their aspirations in the ever-evolving field of software development. Contact us for more information.

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TGH Team